
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

If you can’t tell by the punny title…. we made it to Belize today! After two days worth of flights and layovers, we are finally here. So crazy. I remember thinking that this day would never come, but I’m so excited to be beginning this incredible journey. 

A lot of you are wondering, I’m sure.. how am I feeling? The answer is.. I don’t really know. Within the last several days, I’ve felt pretty much every type of emotion possible. I’ve been excited, overwhelmed, anxious, sad, exhausted, but mostly I’ve been so thankful. I’m so thankful that God chose me to be one of His witnesses to all that He is doing around the world. I already love this country & I can’t wait to meet all of it’s beautiful people.

This isn’t easy. I’ve had to abandon everything— and I mean, EVERYTHING. But, it’s okay. I can’t think of any better cause, and I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing at this point in my life. I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard to leave my family and friends behind. I’ve shed many tears over all of the “see you laters” I’ve had to say. Not only is it hard to leave people behind, but it’s hard to leave my life as I know it. I know that I will not be the same woman when I return, and that my life will never be the same again. As scary as that can be, it’s also so incredible exciting.

So, here’s to change. Here’s to this crazy, beautiful life.

I can’t wait to share all of the stories with you all! 

xoxo, Brooke

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