
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This isn’t going to be an easy read for you. It’s something that is hard to process, but it’s so necessary. So… hear me out. But first, let me just start by saying:

What a privilege it is to love.

I am an extrovert who loves to love people. When I care for someone, most likely I always will. That’s just who I am. Odds are, if you’re reading this, then you are probably this way as well. Love is hard. Relationships are hard. These things are not always easy to navigate, especially if you love deeply.

Imagine this. Let’s say that today you are struggling. You hit a low point that you haven’t visited in quite some time. You saw, read, or heard something that struck you to your core. Maybe this had to do with someone who hurt you deeply, or someone who broke your trust. At one point that person made you feel special, loved, and appreciated. They said all the right things. They did everything right. Then all of a sudden, everything changed. At the snap of your fingers, they were no longer the person that you thought you knew. They were no longer the same person that you loved so deeply. They hurt you. And because of how hard you love, this pain nearly destroyed you.

So in this moment, I’m sure you’re feeling a slew of insecurities. Why weren’t you good enough? Why didn’t they love you enough? What is wrong with you? Listen, I know it hurts. But you have to let yourself feel this. You NEED to process so you can continue to heal. You need to be able to think back on these moments one day when someone comes into your life who will NEVER hurt you or break your heart. THEN you will understand. THEN all of this will finally make sense.

But until then, you have to stay strong. You have to feel. You deserve to be emotionally healthy again, and this is the road to get there. Yes, it’s paved with pain, disappointment, and lots of digging. But, just think how far you’ve already come. Think back to a year ago, two years ago, etc—things were so different then. You have come so far. So you have to trust that more healing will come. The Lord may let you fall, but He will NEVER leave you there. Your time is coming, I promise.

The insecurities are LIES. Don’t allow them to penetrate your soul any longer! You are worthy of someone loving you the way that you love them. Just as hard. Just as purely. Just as unconditionally. I know the thought of it probably scares you to death right now.. I know you don’t want to even begin to think of starting all over. Or of someone hurting you that deeply ever again.

You deserve a love that’s patient and kind; one that is slow to anger. A love that pursues you and is always considerate and respectful of you. You will receive this desire of your heart—but you HAVE to keep loving people the way that you do. Don’t let that part you go. It makes you who you are. It is the way that you can connect with people so deeply. So hold onto it with ALL that you have.

Loving people deeply is worth the possibility of being hurt deeply.

This is your superpower. I love you and your beautiful, tender heart. It looks a lot like Jesus.


